Ngatanwarr Wartee Ngeerrangoon
Hello our Brothers and Sisters.
Welcome to Yarn Bark. A place to connect deeply to First Nations History and Ways of Being.
We care to heal First Nations People and Communities and with that is the healing of relationships with non-Indigenous Australia.
Wata Koopa Takort Kupangal (Come and sit with us my friend)

To support First Nations People and Communities on their journey of healing and reconnecting to their cultural foundations and pathways, whilst providing transformational experiences that support the growth of cultural intelligence of all Australian people.

Facilitating Transformational Workshops, Trainings & Experiences That Move Far Beyond "Cultural Safety & Awareness".
Yarn Bark are experts in facilitating spaces that will transform your team or organisations understanding and experience of cultural safety and awareness.
Drawing on both cognitive and embodied delivery approaches our workshop experiences are deeply engaging and leave lasting impacts on those involved.
We have "ready made" workshops and trainings that can be tailored and customised to suit, that will build the capacity of your team and organisation to be more culturally safe and aware through a trauma informed and culturally integrated lens.
Whilst also exploring how your organisation can embody and centre First Nations Methodologies in your operations and engagement approach.
Mainstream Offerings & Bookings
Highly interactive & impactful Cultural Immersion Experiences for Education Settings
Yarn Bark's Cultural Immersion Experiences for Primary & Secondary School's are one of our most popular offerings and have engaged thousands of students over the past 10 years.
Facilitating an experiential learning space, our Cultural Immersion Experiences connect students deeply to First Nations Practices, Methodologies and Ways of Being in a strength based, interactive and uplifting way.
Yarn Bark is passionate and energetic about providing opportunities for all young Australians to build positive relationships, understandings and connections with First Nations History and Culture.
Our Cultural Immersion Experiences are designed and facilitated to achieve this.
Learn More & BookingsOnline Learning Experiences.
In 2022 Yarn Bark launched "Acknowledging Country Meaningfully" a first-of-a-kind online learning experience accessible for anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Since launching we have over 4,000 people and organisations enrolled.
Created using a professional online course platform our learning experiences are self paced and accessible via login portal or app on any smart device.
With the success of Acknowledging Country Meaningfully we are now in the creation of a bespoke certified learning experience "Embodied First Nations Knowledge Deepening".
In addition, Yarn Bark is being engaged in a consultancy basis by organisations to design and produce online learning experiences specific to their learning needs.
View Courses & Enrol Now
Supporting First Nations People and Communities to Heal
Yarn Bark Exists to support First Nations Communities and Young People to heal and realize their inherited strength, knowledge and capacity to live holistically healthy lives through connection to culture, community and country.
We work to build resilience to external societal pressures, behaviours and perceptions and relinquishing First Nations Peoples from entrenched intergenerational trauma and sadness. Reinstating purpose and belonging.
We have developed a range of workshops, programs and initiatives specifically for First Nations Young People & Community.
First Nations Offerings
Traditional Craft Workshops & Sales
We are committed to keeping alive the ancient practice of traditional craft and artefact making. We challenge the mass production of fake artefacts that are made in factories and sold as “authentic Australian souvenirs”.
Through our work we share the end to end process of artefact creation. A practice that enables connection to self, others and the land whilst facilitating an opportunity for emotional, spiritual, physical, cultural and creative expression.
Our popular Traditional Craft Workshops are highly interactive and are perfect for secondary schools, organisations and community groups.
At Yarn Bark we craft and sell our artefacts and instruments direct to buyers and advertise the work of other grassroots First Nations craftsman across the county.
Craft Workshops & Artefact Sales
Want to learn how to truly acknowledge First Nations Country Meaningfully?
Are you living, working, visiting or learning on the traditional lands of Australia’s First Nations Peoples? Do you wish to acknowledge the country at your place of stay, residence, work or study respectfully? Do you work alongside or with First Nations People, Students, Clients or Communities?
Are you someone that is willing to listen and learn from a grassroots First Nations Led Social Enterprise about how you can acknowledge country more meaningfully, not just in a official context but in your everyday life?
If you answer yes to any of the questions above then this online self paced course is for you!
Join Now!